Held over 4 hours under the guidance of our experience instructors, this introductory session is your chance to get wet, and experience what Freediving is about.

This taster-session is great way to decide whether getting a Freediving certification is right for you.


The Basic Freediving pool course is the foundation for the level 1 course and is accompanied with a formal certification.  It is a great way to gain  the confidence and skills that are specific to the pool-aspect of Freediving. You will learn about the physiology of Freediving, safety and breathing techniques.


Learn proper breathing techniques and familiarize yourself with your own physiology and respiratory systems. During the Level 1 course you acquire the proper skills and knowledge to Freedive to depths of 10 meters to 16 meters in the most relaxed and safe manner possible. You will develop the skills necessary to train your body to be more efficient with breath-holding, gain better respiration and muscle flexibility and learn new skills to take your Freediving to the next level.


This course builds on the skills you learned in your Level 1 Course so that you gain a deeper understanding of the physiology and theory of Freediving. Learn new exercises and techniques behind diving comfortably to depths of 20 meters to 30 meters. This course helps improve your overall Freediving performance, equalization and technique, whilst advancing your safety and rescue skills. 


This is the apex of the Freediving program. If you are an advanced Freediver who wants to learn how to fine-tune your training so that you can approach elite freediving levels, then this final level course is for you. Through focused sessions, you will bring your static apnea, dynamic apnea, free immersion and constant weight skills to the next level. We focus on identifying individual technique gaps with a view to perfecting your skills in all the freediving disciplines. At this stage, you will also learn advanced stretching and equalisation techniques which can bring you down deeper than 30 meters. We will also work on your monofin technique.

Have you made up your mind? Or do you need more information?  Just let us know through     📧